DAN SAVAGE - hand-drawn whimsical murals

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An award winning artist, Dan Savage has been commissioned by many interior designers to create art for public spaces - and in particular health care interiors. He is passionate about this market sector, and how art can help create an uplifting and recuperative environment. (If you'd like to see projects Dan's been involved in - just click here )
We're all aware that health care interiors are in the spotlight, and Dan's designs offer a unique solution for wall decoration. Each mural incorporates elements of nature, and familiar scenes along with quirky details create talking points or act as wayfinding markers. All designs are hand-drawn, and we print as wallcovering, window graphics or mounted artwork.
Dan has created 5 designs exclusively for Tektura, inspired by rural and village scenes, landscapes and the seaside. Whether used in health care or a commercial setting, research shows that scenes depicting nature or familiar landmarks (real or stylised) can improve mood, enhance performance and aid memory.
Our designs are each made up of 10 individual 'scenes'. They can be shuffled in any sequence; used as a feature area, or to cover an entire wall. Each scene can be printed up to 3 metres high (or extend the sky for extra height), and colours can be customised
Here's Seaside as an example - 10 individual scenes - simply mix and match to create your own design.
These designs work equally well in all market sectors : health care, hotel or commercial interiors. @dansavage_art
if you'd like to find out more about Dan's designs for Tektura please click here.