Nature-inspired photography and panoramas for big walls by Richard Osbourne

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Richard Osbourne takes photos that are designed to look good big - imagine walls up to 28 metres long and 4 metres high. Quality is key and Richard's pictures are regularly used by interior designers looking for the best they can find for health care, commercial and hotel projects.
With Richard Osbourne's pictures, there's no blur, no fuzzy patches, no pixelation. Once enlarged to full wall size, his photographs remain sharp, full of detail and colours are true.
Richard is passionate about creating uplifting, stimulating environments, and much of his work concentrates on images of trees, woodlands and familiar landscapes. They introduce nature into our interiors and we all know the benefits, particularly in health care: recovery times are quicker, wellbeing is increased and stress levels are reduced.
And it's not just about healthcare and healing. Images of trees and scenic views (whether real or fake) are shown to increase productivity and creativity in the workplace too.
Finding good quality photography is challenging, but Richard Osbourne provides the solution : His pictures are super-high res, and once enlarged to full wall size, they retain their detail and can be enjoyed close up.
Working in partnership with Richard, we have chosen 28 ultra-high res images and panoramic views of trees and forests, land and seascapes, along with selected city scenes. We have considered areas of use, from contemporary office settings, hotel and leisure interiors, hospitals, dementia and care homes.
Here's a glimpse of what's on offer. We can print as wallcovering on a variety of base materials - textured, smooth, iridescent and metallic. We also offer all Richard Osbourne's images as window graphics and acrylic panels. Every photo in our range can be printed up to 3 metres high without any loss of detail. Many can be enlarged to 4 metres high. If you can't find what you're looking for just ask - Richard's portofolio extends to several thousand images!
If you'd like to see the full range, please click here.
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