CASE STUDY Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport

Published on , in Case Studies.
The 4* boutique Carlton Hotel at Dublin Airport has recently undergone an extensive refurb, with Tektura wallcoverings used throughout. A new bar, restaurant and cafe have been created. The foyer and reception have also been redesigned.
Designers Audrey Gaffney Associates explain "We designed and undertook a complete transformation of all the public areas within the hotel, rearranging and reconfiguring the drab dark areas into bigger, brighter and more efficient use of the spaces; creating an overall better customer experience".
Tektura's black marble Carrara wallcovering was chosen for the reception area, with neutral Madras silk following through into the lobby.
"With a new independent entrance leading visitors either directly into the Kittyhawks Cafe & Bar or into the Mayfly Restaurant guests now have the option to use either area without having to come in through the hotel, something the owners were very keen to develop".
In the award-winning Mayfly restaurant above, our Kyoto Warm mural by Modern Love acts as a dramatic feature wall. In contrast Kittyhawks cafe and bar have silky Osaka wallcovering as a neutral backdrop.
And our Christian Fischbacher floral mural has been selected for The Wild Hare coffee shop.
Our Modern Love and Christian Fischbacher murals - along with all designs in our digital library - can be printed onto any of our wallcoverings. They're also available as window film and acoustic panels.
Find out more about Osaka, Madras and Carrara here.
During our research, we discovered a bit more about the story behind the names Kitty Hawk, Mayfly and Wild Hare......
TIn 1903 the Wright Brothers made their first flights from Kitty Hawk beach, USA. (Did you spot the hotel's Kittyhawks logo?) Lilian Bland was a pioneering Anglo/Irish aviator who in 1910 designed and built her own plane the Mayfly. ...And Wild Hare was a B17 dating back to WWII, manned by both American and British airmen. (In reality the cafe is named after the Wild Hare coffee brand, but we like the aviation theme).
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