Alé Art Studio is the home of Alessandro Scanziani - he's a Bergamo based artist with an eclectic style and bucket loads of talent. With a portfolio that spans greetings cards, book illustrations, and private commissions in oils and watercolours, we're delighted to now offer these specially created designs as wallcoverings to our clients.
Trees Chiaroscuro is a stunning mural and needs to be seen close up to fully appreciate the detail. It's repeatable for extra long walls and can be scaled up to 3m high.
Our series continues with Concrete Wall, Rivet and Metal Tiles. All are repeatable, and Rivet is available with/without rivets.
And finally! Orientale - a pure work of art, incorporating tiny details, painterly brushstrokes, and translucent layers. Available with/without panelled effect, and with/without birds.
To find out more about Alessandro and Alé Art Studio - please click here.
Colours can be adjusted, and all designs are available as wallcovering, window film, acrylic artwork and can be printed onto our Zintra acoustic panels. Wallcoverings can be supplied on a wide variety of base textures, including silks, grasscloths, stone, canvas and metallic effects.
See Technical Data for further information. And watch our video to see how Digital wallcovering is made and installed.